Wednesday, November 3

Visited my long-time Friends

Last November 2, after my 3-hour sleep from work, I went to the Barongan's residence. It has been five years now since the last time I visited their lovely home. That day was also Tita Dette's birthday. Tita Dette is the mother of my friend since high school Abigail.When I was in fourth year High School, almost everyday then, I stay at their abode, had bonding time with them,   sang the Karaoke songs, ate a lot of food there. Their place was actually my second home back then, almost. When I was in college, I failed to visit them again. That was why I did my best to be there on Tita Dette's special day for this year.

Here are some of our captured moments:


I ate lunch with them, we watched a movie, I slept for 3 hours in Abi's room and then ate dinner. I headed to work at 7PM. Spent 7 hours at their home. Had some quality talks with them, got some surprising news and stories to keep. Told them how am I now and all of the new stories of mine nowadays. We really missed each other. I really missed them. I am very glad to see them again. I'm planning to visit them again by next month. It's very good to have your long-time friends.